
Sicaran battle tank datasheet
Sicaran battle tank datasheet

sicaran battle tank datasheet

Such is its malefic nature, they can even undo metallic bonds, alien psychic materials and all manner of other elements and components, rendering even armoured vehicles vulnerable.If every unit from your army has the DEATH GUARD keyword (excluding UNALIGNED units), this unit gains the following ability: Nurgle’s Gift (Contagion): While an enemy unit is within Contagion Range of this unit (see below), subtract 1 from the Toughness characteristic of models in that enemy unit. Whenever they march to war, these diseases spread, contaminating all around, sapping the strength of its victims, draining them of energy, withering their muscles and overwhelming their immune system. The Death Guard are carriers of countless infections and contagions, each a gift from Nurgle. Note that all the attacks you have declared are always resolved against the target unit even if, when you come to resolve an individual attack, no models in the target unit remain in range (this can happen because of models being destroyed and removed from the battlefield as the result of resolving other attacks made by the attacking model’s unit first). If your unit is making attacks with more than one melee weapon against a unit, and those weapons have different characteristics profiles, then after you have resolved an attack with one of those weapons you must, if any other weapons with the same characteristics profile are also being used to make attacks against that unit, resolve those attacks before resolving any attacks against the target with a weapon that has a different characteristics profile. Different attacks made with such a weapon can be made using different profiles if you wish. If the selected weapon has more than one profile that you must choose between, you must declare which profile is being used at the same time. If a model has more than one melee weapon and can make several attacks, it can split them between these weapons however you wish – declare which attacks are being made with which weapons before any attacks are resolved. If a model has more than one melee weapon, select which it will use before resolving any attacks.

Sicaran battle tank datasheet